ADHD & Executive Function Coaching Services

Many individuals with ADHD and/or executive functioning deficits (i.e., trouble with time management, organization, etc.) need assistance with learning how to better manage their time, keep their materials organized, & more. At the same time, many individuals with these issues experience low self-esteem, resistance to change, low frustration tolerance, or other additional difficulties that impede their ability to effectively manage these skills. 

ADHD and executive functioning coaching Bethesda, Maryland

Here are some examples of things that would be addressed with executive function coaching:

ADHD and executive function coaching Bethesda, Maryland
  • Help setting up and implementing homework plan to ensure successful completion of daily & long-term assignments
  • Assistance learning and following through on breaking long-term assignments into parts
  • General assistance with time management
  • Help with organization of physical materials (i.e., binders, folders, backpack)
  • Assistance with organization of computer files
  • Learning how to study effectively based on individual’s areas of strength and limitation as well as learning style
  • Help using specific apps to manage time, keep organized, etc.
  • Assistance improving follow through on completion of chores, etc. at home
  • Addressing any underlying difficulties with self-esteem, anxiety, or other issues that are impacting functioning (if working with Dr. Heller)
  • Assistance managing symptoms associated with ADHD that are impeding functioning

While sessions are fully tailored to meet the individual needs of each person, here is an example of what a executive functioning coaching session might look like:

  • Go over planner, online portal, and review current and upcoming assignments. 
  • Work on planning out tasks for the next week. 
  • Focus on anxiety or other specific issues that are occurring.
  • Go over specific tools to improve attention, study skills, organization, etc.
  • Write up tools collaboratively and store the document in a suitable place electronically or in paper form for easy reference later. 

We offer one-to-one executive function coaching services as well as our boot camp sessions.

Dr. Heller provides ADHD and executive function coaching within the context of individual treatment. Read more about his approach here.

Please note: Executive functioning services provided by other (non-clinician) Heller Psychology Group team members are offered as coaching/tutoring and are not considered psychotherapy or psychological services.